Archive for the ‘New Release’ Category

DnD Map Tile Generator – New Features

June 16, 2010

I’ve added two small new features to the DnD map tile generator.

Neither will be particularly earth shattering, but they should make it a better experience overall.

First off, your settings will be remembered across visits, so if you find a combination of sizes that generates useful tiles then those settings will be used by default every time you visit the generator.

Secondly, if you generate a board that removes all the squares from a row then that row will no longer be shown. Hiding empty rows will mean the board always displays in the same place, no more risk of losing one to lots of blank rows.

DnD Map Tile Generator – User Accounts

December 18, 2009

I’ve done some more work on user accounts, you can now create one with a standard user name and password combo.

Just hop on over to the Map Tile Generator and create an account once you are ready, to get access to all of the extra features, different tile styles, savable layouts and dungeon furniture.

As usual I would like to hear about your experiences, and will drop a few credits to anyone providing constructive feedback.

DnD Map Tile Generator – Additional Items

November 24, 2009

Another new feature for the DnD Map Tile Generator, I’ve added the ability to click and drag in items of furniture into the dungeon.

It’s really simple to use, create an account and log-in. Purchase access to the Dungeon Furniture Pack 1, and you’ll be able to see a scrolling list of the available items. Generate your board, then click on an item to add it to the tile. You should then be able to drag the items around on the tile, and place them where you want.

Printing needs to be done in landscape mode to make the items line up over the board correctly. Saving doesn’t currently include the additional items, I’ll work on this if people want it.

I’ll give some credits to anyone who wants to help test out this new feature. Drop me a line here or on e-mail and I’ll set you up with something, just let me know your account details.

Map Tile Generator – Save boards

September 22, 2009

I’ve upgraded the DnD map tile generator to use a newer version of the OpenID login code, which means it should work for a wider variety of OpenID providers.

You can now also save your favourite boards. Once you’ve created an account you’ll be able to give a generated board a name, save it, and return to it later.

DnD Map Tile Generator – User Accounts

September 11, 2009

I’ve just implement user accounts for my DnD Map Tile Generator. You can register for an account using your favourite OpenID provider.

At the moment you can use an account to buy credits that allow you to access new board styles. There’s only one style there to start us off, it’s very much a Beta test at the moment.

I’ll be adding more styles, and more features (special options, saving of favourite tiles and more). They’ll only be available if you have an account, so register and enjoy the benefits.

I’ll drop some free credits to the first few people to register, or to anyone who can report a bug to me, either in comments or directly via e-mail.

Dungeons and Dragons: Map Tile Generator

June 9, 2009

I’ve just released the first version of a Dungeons and Dragons Map Tile Generator. It lets you pick a board size, number and size of doors and a number of spaces to remove from the grid. It will then generate a random board within these parameters.

It’s brand new, so can generate some strange and useless boards, but if it does that, just create another, until you get something useful. I’ve found that leaving the settings on random will generate a cool tile about once in every 10-15 attempts.

I’ve only tested in Firefox so far, please let me know if you have any problems, I’ll be improving this as time goes on, and I’ll prioritise feedback suggestions to give me somewhere to target my efforts.

Don’t forget to check out my other DnD resources for characters, scenarios and other ideas for use in your games.

A Bit of Bad Luck

May 12, 2009

A Bit of Bad Luck is a new Necromunda scenario for one player and an Arbitrator.

A gang runs into a motley crew of Hired Guns as they leave the scene of a recent gang fight. Battered and bruised, they need to take on these foes before they can enjoy the loot from their previous encounter.

This is a great scenario to make use of my Hired Gun creator, it’ll let you create the adversaries in seconds, and allow you to get going with the game nice and quickly.

I’m also trying a new look for main Necromunda page, check it out, and see if you like it better than the old design.

Life Insurance

April 27, 2009

A new Necromunda scenario, one gang is hired to protect a wealthy Guilder, the other has been hired by his wife to try and collect on his Life Insurance.

Don’t forget to check out my other necromunda resources, a printable gang sheet, a hired gun generator, and lots more. Let me know what you think, and what you’d like to see more of.

Blood Bowl League Manager

April 21, 2009

My latest project is now live, it’s a league management tool for Blood Bowl. I’ve created it as the excitement generated by the new Blood Bowl computer game has lead to a renewed interest in playing the tabletop game.

Once you’ve registered you can create leagues, create teams, record matches and progress your players. It’s currently in an early beta, so there may well be bugs with it, please let me know if you find any.

It’s not got any star players available (but they can be added), and teams should be generated according to the printed version 3 rules.

UPDATE : I’ve taken down the site as I’m economising on my hosting costs. It’s an ASP.NET system, and I’ll happily pass it on to someone to host if there is interest, jsut drop me a line.

Two new games

April 5, 2009

Two new games for you, quick and simple ones based on my one page of rules post the other week.

First off is Dice Wars, a game for two or more players. Starting with 5 dice each, you attack other players, if you beat their defensive rolls your dice are upgraded, or theirs are downgraded. The last player with dice remain wins.

Second is Save the King, a game for two players. Using a standard chess board and a couple of chess sets, one player surrounds the edge of the board with pawns, the other must save their King, moving him off the board before the pawns can capture him, using only a few extra pieces to aid against the onslaught of the pawn army.