Archive for December, 2008

Christmas game giving

December 22, 2008

If you find yourself looking for a last minute gift, and are willing to brave the local gaming store and its patrons for your purchase, then I’ve got a quick list of my top five board games, all of which I’ve written about before, and all of which should be easy to acquire at short notice:

  1. Puerto Rico
  2. Settlers of Catan
  3. Carcassonne
  4. Ticket to Ride
  5. Twilight Imperium

A word of warning, if you are looking for a game that everyone will enjoy, then maybe consider a Classic Boardgame instead of one of these more modern affairs, as I think it’s more likely to get interest from everyone in the family if it’s a game they’ve all played before, even if only at Christmases past.