Archive for June, 2010

DnD Map Tile Generator – New Features

June 16, 2010

I’ve added two small new features to the DnD map tile generator.

Neither will be particularly earth shattering, but they should make it a better experience overall.

First off, your settings will be remembered across visits, so if you find a combination of sizes that generates useful tiles then those settings will be used by default every time you visit the generator.

Secondly, if you generate a board that removes all the squares from a row then that row will no longer be shown. Hiding empty rows will mean the board always displays in the same place, no more risk of losing one to lots of blank rows.

Building on Past Work

June 10, 2010

No-one ever became a success overnight. If it looks like they did, then you are probably missing out on a lot of low level prep work they didn’t before you noticed their ‘overnight’ success.

Building a strong foundation, sticking to and repeating your core message and perfecting your craft are all ways to build up to that success.

My most popular work is always the Dungeons and Dragons map tile generator. It has slowly gained in popularity over time, and now drives the vast majority of visits to the toadflaxgames site. In the spirit of building on foundations to promote successes, I’m going to be making some improvements to the generator, to make it the best it can be.

Let me know if there are any improvements you’d like to see, and I’ll look at implementing them.